all had been sad in my world recently thanks to the shutdown of my favorite website, albumbase.com. everything returned to good, upon discovering albumwash.com, to which a very similar database exists. let the free "sampling" of music continue. first downloads: murs & 9th wonder's murray's revenge and pharoahe monch's desire. so ive given hip hop a brand new chance after nearly jumping ship completely. there is a lot of good hip hop out there, there is just a matter of sifting through a lot of bad hip hop (please see: mike jones or pitbull for examples) to get to it. im slowly getting back into it thanks to murs, monch, mf doom, and aesop rock.

album of the week is not a hip hop album, its the sun and the moon by the bravery. i swore i hated this band, and one night, not sure if it was lack of sleep or abundance of alcohol, i double checked. turns out they are okay. they draw you in with one or two songs - in this case it was "time wont let you go" and "believe" - and you learn to like the rest of it. still not a fan of the killers or interpol for good reason. the bravery have been allowed into my itunes library.
song of the week is "welcome to the terrordome" by the aforementioned pharoahe monch. very underrated mc that should be getting the attention a lot of the mainstream rappers get. terrordome is a fast paced mix of turntables, horns and monch's angered-yet-calm lyrics.
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