so is it christmas time already? ive had christmas songs in my head all day - wait - its christmas at costco. damn. by the way - who are the people buying a pre-decorated (lights included) tree for $100? how lazy are we? is not having to decorate a tree worth that much? i guess you could just use it for the next 20 years, which rounds out to a cool $5/year. maybe people are smarter than i thought. wait what am i saying.
on a good note it is now seasonally appropriate to watch one of my favorite christmas flicks - bad santa (pictured at right).

ps. gonna go see the bearded ones - band of horses -next week. they easily have one of the best song titles EVER, track 4 on their last album: "detlef schrempf." for those of you who dont know hes was the very german, very potent third option on the mid-1990s sonics teams. owner of a very sweet flat top that is no longer being sported. speaking of germans, has anyone watched the video of a drunk david hasselhoff eating a cheesburger off a bathroom floor? i wonder if germans love that video as much as the one of him dancing on the berlin wall. i know i sure did.
that is all for now. one final thought:
"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes, that way when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes."
wish i could take credit for that one, but thats a jack handey deep thought. makes me laugh.
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