so i am starting to think about gifts for myself and for other people now that christmas is upon us (especially with all the people at alderwood mall at midnight tonight). i did a little research on the show cheap seats, which aired on espn classic, and is no longer in production. it features the sklar brothers who sit on a couch and watch old espn footage (back before they had any real sports to show) and crack jokes. old world series of pokers, mini golf, you name it. its brilliantly funny, and i miss it dearly. i almost want to get espn classic so that i can catch the reruns. it isnt on dvd either, which is too bad. ive been looking for an online petition to get it back on or on dvd but no dice yet. its one of the most underrated shows out there, and hopefully it will be brought back in one form or the other. 

saw "no country for old men" tonight. pretty good movie. creepy. still havent seen american gangster, but its on my list.
happy holidays. tomorrows black friday for all my retail friends. be strong. itll all be over soon. i think i want to rent jingle all the way, a holiday classic. good idea or no?
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