welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. its been a while. im breaking into the blogging habit again in a big way. and by big way i mean in the form of wesley willis, the "daddy of rock n roll." im not sure why it took me so long to find this guy, but his songs are by far the funniest things i have heard in a very long time. i laughed last night til i cried. i was sweating from laughter profusely while listening to "you better find my pistol." he passed away back in 2003, and i am really wishing i had the chance to see him perform live. he was 6-5, and between 300 and 350 pounds, and sat on stage with his casio keyboard.
there is a simple recipe for his songs. two verses, a long instrumental, followed by a final verse, his classic, "rock over london, rock on chicago," then a mini advertisement from everything from blockbuster video to listerine: "blockbuster video: wow, what a difference."
this all sounds weird, but its worth the time. go to his myspace site here:
some of its a bit profane, particularly the ones entitled, "suck a llamas smelly ass" and "the vultures ate my dead ass up."
go to youtube, cause they also have some good wesley live performances. why do we have to lose another musical genius so young? shame.

dont even ask how i stumbled across this gem of pop favorites remade by kids... actually, i was sucked in when i saw that the 13th edition had just come out and was on the itunes front page. i thought - "what the fudge is this?" i had to look...
so... its a collection of those annoying songs youve heard repeatedly over the course of the past year sung by real live kids! by far the most awesome thing i have ever heard! personal faves are umbrella, SOS, and gnarls barkley's crazy. nothing makes these songs better than the shouting of each lyric by 8 or 9 kids.
dont forget lips of an angel by mega crap band hinder - remember them? lets not forget they remade ultra worthless nickelback by sounding exactly like them. (dont worry, theres a couple nickelback tunes too) i like how this song is about cheating on your girlfriend and is sung by children. i might even like the kidz bop version better than the original. not hard to do. by the way its on the 11th edition, if you want to buy it.
if you want a laugh or you like bad songs sung by children, check this shit out. its definitely worth it.

perhaps the best part of the new year is the flurry of new albums that are set to come out. one in particular, to which i hold just a bit more excitement for, is elbow's seldom seen kid, due out march 18th. most everything this band touches is golden to me, and this new album promises to be one of their best, though i have heard just two tracks from it.
i havent had much time to write on here, as school has kept me busy. but that will be over soon and i can concentrate on better things like making fun of dumb people and listening to great music. major overhaul here around march 19th-ish.

just as thought... so "professional wrestling" is obviously fake, its purely entertainment, right? (note: entertainment for the white trash, inbred population of america) ...so im watching a very exciting scripted match between some guy who resembles gheorghe muresan and a combination of every 1980s wrestler i ve ever seen (in fact he seems to be in his mid to late 40s, so he may have been one).
so im watching this damn thing and im wondering - who the hell are these refs? have they worked their way through the fake wrestling minor leagues, perfecting their inconspicuous knack for getting distracted just at the right moment for one of the steroid infested gargantuan wrestlers to grab a lead pipe, knock out his opponent, then pin him, just in time for the ref to turn around, assess the situation and inexplicably begin the countdown. is this where refs go when they realize they suck at regular refereeing? or is the pinnacle of their careers? they gotta be making pretty good dough. but then again, they are also the biggest referee sell outs of all time.

lots of things happening right now, thus the blog has taken a bit of a hit. bear with me! i am anticipating beautiful things in the coming months, as i venture out into the real world, and leave shitty jobs behind, moving towards a career.
i am presently listening to vampire weekend, to which i was completely hesitant to listening to, but i gotta admit, they are something vicious. they are like the brand new pair of socks to my yellow crocs. the light mayonnaise to my teriyaki dinner. go check em out bee-atches.
two midterms this week really blows, but technically these will be my LAST midterms of college. *tear*
have a good week. go see a band youve never heard before. watch a movie you heard was really bad. tivo a weeks worth of dr phil and watch it in a mini marathon at the end of the week. be extra thorough in the shower for once in your life. but most importantly, hug a family member. they probably deserve it. have a good week.

on constant rotation at the moment is liam finn's i'll be lightning, and the song "energy spent" which has become my theme song. the lyrics below:
oh the view of the sea
the deep blue adriatic sea
the clouds are covering the hills in a madness
that sometimes covers over me
but im not broken just a little energy spent and its a long way from here
with a towel on my hips
and the salt upon my lips
i am starting to look like a homeless
with a beard on my chin
but im not broken just a little energy spent and its a long way from here
... simple but awesome song. march 4th at the high dive i will be in the front row with my beard buddy.

one of the most underrated, underappreciated bands around is nada surf. they have unfortunately been linked with the horrible one hit wonder label (remember popular?). But these guys keep pumping out catchy, solid albums, including their latest, lucky, due out on tuesday. i will not reveal how i got to hear it before that, but i can tell you that it is the best i have heard in 08 thus far. i cant stop listening to "beautiful beat" and "weightless" is a really nice track. its unfortunate that they carry the one hit stigma, but in a way its a blessing, since i can still go see them at the showbox for under 20 bucks (like i am doing march 28th).
lots of good shows coming up - i will make a column in the right hand side of this page as soon as midterms are over next weekend.
one month of school left! i am so ready for this journey to be over...
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